Sunday, November 30, 2008

great break

i was in abq this week. here is a quick summary:
road trip was great.
sleeping in/not having to make my bed was great.
twilight was...not bad, i'll be honest.
my phone deciding to break-not great.
thanksgiving was great.
black friday was great.
my phone working again-great!
anthony's wedding was great (prayers to you two)
being back is great.

sometimes mat and i just look good.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Monday, November 17, 2008

Wednesday, November 12, 2008


the calvary chapel worship leaders conference has been in full swing since monday night and it has been so amazing. worship from phil wickham, evan wickham, jimmy robeson, and dominic bali (reggae worship).
and then on sunday morning i get to play bass for this church in san diego.
and kevin guido is in town.
and joshua, jeremiah, and sarah.
and its no-shave november (you know what that means)
and i get to go home soon.
and so im stoked right now.

Monday, November 3, 2008

whoa! blog!

my apologies for the lack of blog. here is an email written to my mom regarding halloween weekend.

well joshua and i picked tamara and alysia up in irvine on friday (halloween) and every year on halloween at knotts berry farm they have this knotts "scary" farm where the park is open later and people are hired to scare you as you walk along the paths and they have haunted houses and stuff. i have no idea where the girls came up with 6 tickets, i didnt ask i just enjoyed myself haha. the park is open until 2am, the rides were really fun but at about 1230 we just got really annoyed at all of the bloody clowns so we left. oh, sarah brown met us there and we all stayed at her house in san juan capistrano. we slept in and then tried to make it back for lunch, didnt, went to in-n-out and then saw the dark knight in the dollar theatre. the next day, we took the girls to oceanside for an afternoon at the beach, got back into town and devan's uncle bought us all dinner, then we had chapel. today joshua and i drove the girls to LAX, got lunch in LA and then came home and took a nap! woo!

sorry about the lack of pics. blogspot doesnt like me right now.